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Experience the excellence of our top-notch ELECTRONIC TRAINING BOARD FOR VARIOUS LABS, designed and manufactured by our spectacular company. As an exporter, manufacturer, supplier, and trader, we take pride in offering the optimum quality of POWER ELECTRONICS TRAINER, DISCRETE COMPONENT TRAINER, LINEAR IC TRAINER, and DIGITAL IC TRAINER. Our electronic training board is customizable to meet your specific needs and requirements, making it an exclusive product that you won't find anywhere else. With over 40.0 years of experience, we have perfected our craft and are confident in the quality of our product. Our electronic training board is perfect for various labs and offers five advantages and features that set it apart from the competition. Order now and experience the convenience and efficiency of our electronic training board. Our supply ability in the domestic market is all India, ensuring that you can get your hands on our product no matter where you are located.

Product Image (CEE 2023)


Price: 13300 INR/Piece

SPECIFICATION 1. DC Regulated Power Supply of : 0 to 5V/ 100mA ( Two Nos.) + 12V/ 250mA + 5V/ 250mA 12V/250mA AC 2. IC 741, IC 723, & IC 555 is mounted on front panel with there Pin no. & socket for connection 3. Various Resistance , Capacitor, Diode, Zener Diode, LED, Potentiometer are fitted on inside of Panel with sockets. 4. Required circuit Diagram & Patch cords are provided with instruments.

Product Image (CEE 2024)


Price: 12600 INR/Piece

SPECIFICATION INPUT : 230V AC -+ 10%. DC OUTPUT : A) -+ 5V/500mA B) 0 -+ 25V/500mA 1. Bread board having 1680 tie points is mounted on front panel. 2. 12 logic input with LED indicator using SPDT switch. 3. 12 nos. Logic output with LED indicator. 4. 1Hz mono shot clock pulse with pulser switch. 5. TTL clock pulser having output frequency!s of 10Hz, 100Hz,1KHz & 10KHz selectable By switch. 6. Three (2 Nos. Common Anode LT542 & 1 No. Common Cathode LT543)Seven segment display connected with sockets for each segment 7. Two Potentiometer of 1Kohm & 1 Mohm.

Product Image (CEE 2025)


Price: 10600 INR/Piece

SPECIFICATION 1) In built DC Regulated Power Supply +12V/250mA & +5V/250mA. 2) AC Power Supply 9-0-9V/500mA. 3) 4 no. Logic Input with toggle switch. 4) 4 no. Digital Output indicator. 5) 12 no. Different types of Resistances (WireWound , Carbon Film & Metal Film Resistor). 6) 12 no. Different types of Capacitors ( Ceremic, Polyster & Electrolytic capacitor) 7) 9 no. Different types of diodes ( Si diode, Ge diode, Zener diode, Photo diode & Light Emitting diode ) 8) One no. Diac. 9) 2 no. PNP & NPN Transistors. 10) One no. FET. 11) One no. UJT. 12) One no. TRIAC. 13) One no. SCR. 14) One no. MOSFET. 15) One no. Thermister 16) One no. Solar Cell. 17) One no. Speaker. 18) Two no. Voltage Regulators ( 7805&7905) 19) Two no. Potentiometers (1 K! & 10K!) 20) One no. Relay. 21) One 14 Pin IC Base.

Product Image (CEE 2026)


Price: 22000 INR/Piece

SPECIFICATION 1) DC Regulated Power Supply a) 0-10V/50mA b) 0-25V/50mA c) +12V/500mA d) +5V/500mA 2) 4No. Digital Meters a) 19.99VDC b) 19.99V-199.9V DC c) 199.9A - 19.99mA DC d) 1.999mA - 199.9mA DC 3) Pulse Generator Circuits a) Variable duty cycle pulse generator for chopper circuits. b) 1KHz +ve & -ve edge pulse generator for series inverter. c) 50Hz +ve & -ve edge pulse generator for series inverter. d) UJT trigger circuit for half wave & full wave converter. 4) 3 No. SCR (2P4M), 1 No. MOSFET (IRF840), 1NO. IGBT (GP8NC60KD). 1No. POWER TRANSISTORS (2N3055) & 8No. different resistance. 5) Seprate circuits for half wave / full wave converters, choppers & inverters.


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